Web3 Certification Career Track

Web3 Certification Career Track

The Future of the Internet

The Web3 Foundations Certification Career Track offers a comprehensive learning pathway focused on the future of Internet technologies. This track encompasses four key areas: Web3, Bitcoin, Blockchain, and AI, equipping learners with a profound understanding of these interconnected technologies and their applications. From grasping the essence of Web3, learning the intricacies of Blockchain, and exploring the synergy of AI and Blockchain, to understanding the evolution and influence of Bitcoin, this career track prepares learners to grow into this next stage of the Internet.

Course Descriptions:

Web3 Foundations Course: Understand the concept and potential of Web3, learn about its technical structure, and how to adapt this technology to various entities. Acquire exposure to a number of actual use cases and tokenomics.

Blockchain Foundations Course: Gain a solid foundation of blockchain technology, explore its usage across business areas, understand the differences and nuances of various blockchain types, and comprehend the functioning of smart contracts.

Data Protection Regulation: GDPR, CPRA/CCPA: This program on Data Privacy will provide a comprehensive understanding of the critical data privacy laws and regulations that impact organizations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), and the Digital Services Act (DSA) and the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

AI Essentials Course: Unfold the exciting synergy between AI and Blockchain. Learn about AI algorithms, AI-based decentralized applications, tools and technologies for AI and Blockchain development, and data management in AI and Blockchain systems.

Courses in this Certificate Program

  • 17 Hours
  • OnDemand: 14 Hours
  • Live: 4+ Hours
  • Tuition: $595
Components of this CourseHours Delivery Method
Student Orientation1 HourLive Online (optional)
LIVE Instructor AMA - bi-monthly1 Hour+Live Online (optional)
Web3 Foundations3 HoursOnDemand - Instructor Supported
Blockchain Foundations6 HoursOnDemand - Instructor Supported
Data Protection Regulation: GDPR, CPRA/CCPA4 HoursLIVE Online & Recording
AI Essentials4 HoursLIVE Online & Recording
EXAM VOUCHER - Web3+ Certification1 HourAI Remote Proctored Exam

Upcoming LIVE Instruction Dates

  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    February 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA Friday February 14 2025

    Friday |  1 Hour |  2:00-3:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PT, 6:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly from...

    February 14 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    February 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    March 14 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
  • Instructor AMA

    Tuesday |  1 Hour |  1:00-2:00 PM EST (10:00 AM PT, 5:00 PM GMT) Attend LIVE to learn directly fro...

    March 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

How this course works:

You complete the courses within this program at your own pace and attend weekly instructor AMA sessions and other live events as your schedule permits. You start when you are ready, and should you fall behind, we will send notifications encouraging you to log in and continue to completion. Upon completion, you are prepared to take the W3CB Web3 + Certification exam.

Learner Outcomes

Key Career Track Takeaways:

  • Comprehensive understanding of Web3 and its potential applications;
  • Deep insight into the world of blockchain, its types, and consensus mechanisms;
  • Exploration of the synergy between AI and Blockchain and understanding their combined benefits;
  • Grasp of AI algorithms and techniques and the use of AI-based decentralized applications;
  • Knowledge of Bitcoin, its evolution, underlying cryptography, and its role in digital payments;
  • Understanding of software development tools for AI and Blockchain;
  • Proficiency in data management in AI and Blockchain systems;
  • Examination of the nuances of various blockchain types;
  • Knowledge of smart contracts and their operational mechanisms;
  • Exposure to practical use cases across all focus areas;

Certificates of Completion

Prepared to sit for the Web3+ Certification Exam from the Web3 Certification Board (W3CB)

Review Topic Areas and Exam Competencies on W3CB.org.
W3CB Exam Fee are included.
Practice Exams are not included.


No prior blockchain or computer programming experience is required. A 10th-grade reading and math proficiency is recommended.

Web3 Career Track Program Content


Web3 Foundations

Module 1: Understanding what Web3 is
Module 2: Why Web3
Module 3: Web3 and the Metaverse
Module 4: Blockchain Fundamentals
Module 5: Understanding DeFi
Module 6: Challenges, Risks and Ethics of Web3
Module 7: What comes after Web3?

Blockchain Foundations

Module 1: Blockchain Background and Basics
Module 2: Different Types of Blockchains
Module 3: Consensus
Module 4: Cryptography and Hashing
Module 5: Smart Contracts
Module 6: Blockchain Wallets
Module 7: Pros and Cons
Module 8: Public Blockchain-Based Applications
Module 9: Blockchain and Crypto Regulation
Module 10: Regulatory Reporting
Module 11: Distributed Autonomous Organizations
Module 12: Blockchain Today
Module 13: The Trilemma

Data Protection Regulation 

Module 1: Introduction to Data Privacy and GDPR
Module 2: GDPR Compliance
Module 3: Module: Understanding the Digital Services Act (DSA)
Module 4: Understanding the Digital Markets Act (DMA)
Module 5: CPRA and CCPA
Module 6: Other US State Privacy Laws
Module 7: Blockchain and Web3: Data Protection and Privacy
Module 8: Data Privacy in Practice
Module 9: Data Privacy in the Future

AI Essentials

Module 0: AI Introduction
Module 1: AI Concepts
Module 2: Blockchain Basics
Module 3: AI Use Cases
Module 4: Ethical Considerations
Module 5: Challenges and Opportunities
Module 6: The Future with AI
Module 7: Key Takeaways

Career Track Information

  • Dates: Rolling Enrollment
  • Location: OnDemand & LIVE Online
  • Tuition: $595
  • Ask about Tuition Assistance
  • 17 Total Hours
Enroll Now

Additional Information

  • Module Quizzes and Knowledge Checks
  • Guest Lectures & Networking
  • Student Orientation
  • LIVE Online Instructor AMAs
  • LIVE Workshops

Certification Competencies

The material covered in this course contributes to 100% of the Focus Areas as defined in the Web3 Certification Association (W3CB) Exam Competencies.

Web3+ Certification Exam

Advanced Certification Track


  • AI Essentials
  • Web3 Foundations
  • Blockchain Foundations
  • Data Protection Regulation
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB Web3+ Certification
  • Blockchain Development Decision
  • Key Management
  • Blockchain Enterprise Strategy
  • Fundamentals of DeFi & Primitives
  • Non-fungible Token Essentials
  • Tokenomic Essentials
  • Understanding L1 and L2 Blockchains
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB Blockchain Enterprise Advocate Certification
  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Information Security and Cyber Risk Awareness
  • Risk Management for Blockchain-Based Technology Companies
  • Data Protection Regulation: GDPR, CPRA/CCPA
  • OFAC Compliance Essentials
  • Introduction to Blockchain Scrum Master
  • Blockchain Architecture 101
  • Blockchain Architecture 201
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB Blockchain Enterprise Professional Certification

Alternative Program to Consider


  • AI Essentials
  • Prompt Engineering 101: AI Chat Bot (ChatGPT)
  • AI Prompt Engineering 201: Advanced Topics
  • AI Prompt Engineering 301: Developer Topics
  • Mastering Image Generative AI
  • Mastering Music Generative AI
  • Exam Voucher: W3CB AI Prompt Engineer Certification